Profit earning, which is most challenging aspect of any business. The owners work hard in searching ways to maximise output from revenue sources. Generally speaking Profit growth is proportionately related to the growth in turnover for the business. It can be increased by improving the yield of output per resources viz. MEN, MACHINE & MONEY deployed in business
Site Solution with 39 years of experience in working in different corporate units and possess expertise in problem solving and troubleshooting the bottle necks in overall business process. Site Solution has team of experienced consultants help the top decision makers, entrepreneurs and stake holders by offering tailormade solution to different B2 B, B2C, segments of manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, operations for achieving real time GROWTH

Site Solution offers exclusive and competitive business solutions g areas of any business:


Improving and Increasing output with same or reduced quantity of inputs.

Corporate Restructuring

Adjustment in the available resources for increasing output of available resources

Process Improvement

Time and Study motion of every stage of manufacturing process. Cost Reduction analysis and implementation

Testing and Standard Test Certification of Chemicals products and Raw Materials

Independent testing of Raw materials used in manufacturing Paints, Textile Chemicals, Dyes, Pharma Intermediates. This in turn help in increasing TRUST amongst Customers and assuring the supplying material with consistent quality.

Market Research

Since the CHANGE is constant and INEVITABLE, Site Solution help decision makers to decide upon their future Investment plans based on Corporate Strategy. Also provide update information regarding current economy.

Product Portfolio Management

Products are the ultimate breadwinners for any business. Every Product has its Life Cycle. Many times, entrepreneurs have to depend upon the profit generated by each product. Also need to expand or discontinue certain products based on market demand. Site Solution offers complete Product Portfolio Management.

Training Topics

Motivational, Communication Skills, Leadership Skills, Mind Management, Productivity, Work Life Balance, Spiritual subjects Products

Seminar and Training

Waterproofing & Construction Chemicals, Paints ,Architectural Coatings, Protective Coatings, Industrial Coatings, Intumescent, Life Insurance, Mutual Funds